Disney's Frozen party games and Food Labels - The Style Sisters

Disney's Frozen party games and Food Labels

By The Style Sisters - Sunday, March 02, 2014

Disney's Frozen Party Games and Food Labels
Below you will find all the info for the games they played as well as a link to the tutorial for the crowns and antlers.
If you missed my first post on this amazing party click on Frozen Birthday party to view more about this adorable party my daughter put together for her 5 yr old daughter.  
For even more pics and recipes see my post Frozen Party Food Ideas . 

Disney frozen party games, frozen party games, Sven antlers, Elsa crowns, pin the nose on Olaf
Frozen birthday party games
Elsa Crowns and Sven Antlers were from here. (From My Sister's Suitcase Blog)
My daughter made a few adjustments to the antlers to make them more like Svens :)

Dont Eat Olaf game, Frozen birthday party, Frozen party games and food labels

**Just right click (or Ctrl click on Mac) and save the image to your computer **

Don't Eat Olaf

Print off the pictures
Place one marshmallow on each picture of Olaf.
Send 1 player out of the room and have the remaining players choose one picture of Olaf to be "Pete" or Olaf.
Call the player in the other room back and have them start eating marshmallows but once they go to pick up the "Pete" marshmallow then they all yell, "DON'T EAT OLAF!"
Now it is someone else's turn to go out of the room.

Pin the nose on Olaf

Madeline took an old cardboard box and cut out the shape of Olaf and painted him white and then added in all his facial details. For the noses she cut a bunch of carrots from orange paper for each child to try to pin on Olaf in the right place
Pin the nose on olaf, Olaf, frozen birthday party games

Free Food Label Printables

Frozen Food Labels, Frozen Birthday party, Free printable Frozen party Food labels
*Click on the image and then right click (or Ctrl click on Mac) to save and print*

Here are the printable food labels from the frozen party. Madeline took styrofoam balls and cut them in half and made small slits in each half to hold the food labels.  You can cut these labels out as squares or cut around the snowflake shape like Madeline did. 

I would ask that if you use one of my free printables that you kindly follow my blog in return. I am excited to offer more free printables in the future.


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CedarHillFarmHouse Savvysouthernstyle 
Frugal Friday tatertotsandjello
thededicatedhouse thepinjunkiejustusfour
 what-about findingfabulous tidymom prototypemama

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  1. She'll have trouble topping this party in the future. What fun your granddaughter and her friends must have had! laurie

  2. Pin The Nose On Olaf is such a cute idea. I've been sitting here listening to my son play Let It Go about a gazillion times in a row. Loved the movie, but this song is killing me :)

  3. Love the food labels...would you be able to post a blank food label so I can add my own food menu items?

    1. Briana I asked my daughter if she could but she can't figure out how to do it at the moment
      If she does I will post it. Thanks :)



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