As a teenager of only 17 years...Tim led our family to the gospel...The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am forever indebted to him for this. The peace and comfort this brings to me and to our entire know that we are sons and daughters of God and that there is a plan...the plan of Salvation and that we can be an eternal family and live forever together is the best gift anyone could ever give....I have a testimony of these things and through this experience, as hard as it has been, has strengthened my testimony and I feel at peace.
My cute brother Tim lived his life to the fullest and experienced many fun and exciting things. He raced Gocarts, road a Harley, road dirt bikes, rock climbed, mountain biked, golfed, started his own business from scratch, invented many games, went to Hawaii many times with his sweeheart, He wanted to act and played scrooge in their local community theatre and brought tears to everyone's eyes, he wanted to be a magician and trained at the Magic Castle in L.A. and performed, he would set his mind to do something and he would do it.
He loved everyone and judged no one, he was tender and kind and yet had a fiesty spirit about him as well. He had the best sense of humor of anyone I have ever known and loved to play practical jokes. He was always creating something and sharing it with everyone. Tim was very giving and loving at all times and was an incredible friend to all who met him.
Tim married his sweetheart and Angel... Liz.... almost 25 yeras ago and they have 8 beautiful children (7 boys and 1 girl). They are all so precious to us. We have had some amazing fun times with them...going to Lake Powell, having gigantic holiday celebrations with them, sledding, singing, playing game after game, but most of all laughing and loving one another everyday!
I will miss you my sweet brother more than you will know...but I know that we will be together again.
Loving you forever