Master bedroom reveal - Garage sale and thrift store furniture - The Style Sisters

Master bedroom reveal - Garage sale and thrift store furniture

By The Style Sisters - Monday, April 07, 2014

Master-bedroom makeover
I am excited to show you my sisters bedroom makeover! Tiff has done amazing things in this room using garage sale and thrift store furniture...she always finds the deals! Tiff found the entire bedroom set...the bed, side table, dresser and large mirror at a garage sale for $600.00 SCORE!!!!
Master bedroom makeover, the style sisters
This is her bedroom before the makeover...I loved all the colors but the white bedroom furniture looks so good with the grey and touches of red. The picture frames are also from garage sales that hang above the bed and have been painted a few times over the years..I like them both ways.
You may remember this wreath that I made back in December the tutorial is Here. I made one for. Tiff and she hung it above her bed right in the middle...It makes me so happy that she loves it :)
Anthropologie knockoff wreath, the style sisters
She made these adorable European shams the tutorial is Here
Pillow sham tutorial, the style sisters

On the other side of the room is the thrift store desk and filing cabinet the before pictures and tutorial is Here

Thrift store desk makeover, the style sisters
Here is the desk before..ugly and missing a drawer

Tiff sanded this desk a ton and painted it white.

After a few years it took a beating
So she covered it with this cute grey and white chevron fabric

She moved it into her sewing room and then finally into her bedroom. I love how she is able to use her furniture in so many different rooms.

Hope this inspires you to find things at garage sales and thrift stores for your home.

Linking to

DIY Dreamer CedarHillFarmHouse Savvysouthernstyle

Frugal Friday tatertotsandjello


thededicatedhouse thepinjunkie justusfour

what-about findingfabulous tidymom prototypemama

21 random aconqueredmess thegunnysack

knick of time boogieboardcottage

Not just a housewife Inspiration Exchange party cuisine kathleen, stonegableblog

Seasoned homaker Ivy and elephants CommonGround

Uncommon sliceofsuburbia Coastal Charm a stroll thru life Crystelle Boutique




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  1. Fabulous finds and such a lovely makeover. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me party this afternoon at 3:00 PM. http://www.astrollthrulife.net. Hope to see you there.

  2. Looks great and my, what a budget!

  3. It's gorgeous she did a great job.


  4. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Beautiful makeover, Karin!

  5. What a fabulous and stylish makeover! I love that you thrifted and came up with something so wonderful! THANKS FOR SHARING AT THE SCOOP! Pinning!

  6. Gorgeous, you did a fabulous job and such wonderful thrifty finds. . Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  7. What a cute make over! Love the shade of blue and the dresser is amazing! Thanks for sharing! Wayfair Coupons

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