2014 - The Style Sisters

Centerpiece Wednesday Last one for 2014

By The Style Sisters - Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Welcome to the last Centerpiece Wednesday for the year! It's been an incredible year of creative inspiration...from tablescapes to furniture makeovers, healthy recipes and desserts, craft ideas and home tours and more! Each week I look forward to seeing what each of you have been blogging about. I know how time consuming blogging is and I really appreciate all of your efforts and...

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I have nothing bought or wrapped to go under the tree! EEEK

By The Style Sisters - Monday, December 22, 2014
Yep I am waaay behind this year with my Christmas shopping, wrapping, baking etc... I have done none of it yet! I have been so busy working on some fun projects with my family and I can't wait to share it all with you in January! We just finished my moms bedroom makeover in grey and white and it is soooo beautiful! We...

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I'm dreaming of a fancy party....

By The Style Sisters - Thursday, December 18, 2014
I'm dreaming of a fancy partyyy... Where I could wear a skirt like this ..Where the hem lines are modest and waistbands are hottest and I...I..I feel like a princessss ....ohhhh I'm dreaming.... Do you love my lyrics? heheh These skirts are just dreamy aren't they! Makes me feel like I want to be in the movie "White Christmas"  I need a place...

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Centerpiece Wednesday- Simple Christmas ideas

By The Style Sisters - Tuesday, December 16, 2014
I was really drawn to simplistic Christmas ideas this week...I think because my eyes have felt overwhelmed lately from constantly looking at so many Christmas ideas online.....there have been so many home tours with AMAZING over the top gorgeousness..and I have not been able to stop looking, then there is all the online shopping and the emails and texts reminding me about this...

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Fashion Friday 5 casual outfits

By The Style Sisters - Friday, December 12, 2014
A couple of weeks ago I went to my daughters house for about 10 days and knowing I would be living out of a suitcase I decided to pull together some outfits and take photos before I packed so I knew what I could wear while there and I wouldn't have to pull apart the entire suitcase each day. My formula was jeans,...

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Christmas Tablescape- Lime green and Red

By The Style Sisters - Wednesday, December 10, 2014
I am so excited to show you my Christmas Tablescape idea! As part of my Christmas home tour here is my kitchen nook... Please link up your Christmas home tour here So many fun details to share with you! First up the napkins- My cute mom made these napkins for me a year ago. They are made from painters drop cloth and she...

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Centerpiece Wednesday- Fun Christmas Decor Ideas

By The Style Sisters - Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Such fun Christmas ideas from all of you from last week! Here are just a few of my favorites! Check out how to age a little truck! DIYBeautify   Beautiful all white Christmas Decor Athomewithjemma   Don't these look delish!! Confessionsofanoverworkedmom     Thrift store sweaters turned into ornaments! Houseofhipsters     You need to read her story about these stockings LOL I...

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The Style Sisters Christmas Home Tour link up!

By The Style Sisters - Monday, December 08, 2014
Welcome to The Style Sisters Christmas Home Tour! I've noticed lots of home tours lately so I'm joining in on the fun starting today with my family room and I would love it if you would link up your home tour so we can all get inspired by one another! I wish there was a way we could share share treats at each...

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