Fix a leaking glass water dispenser! - The Style Sisters

Fix a leaking glass water dispenser!

By The Style Sisters - Saturday, May 12, 2012

Has anybody else had trouble with their glass water dispensers leaking? Drip Drip Drip!
I love these water dispensers...they really add that special something to any party but they leak!!
Until now!
I looked all over the internet to find a cure and someone suggested using the rubber seals that you use on a garden hose. TA DA!! It totally works!! I don't have to throw this glass dispenser out and go buy a really expensive one.
I have moved this DIY over to my new blog here

Fix a leaking glass water dispenser, Leaking glass drink dispenser, DIY fix for leaking water dispenser

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  1. Great tip here. What a shame it would be to have to replace the whole product.
    I'll bet you would have come up with a great way to re-purpose it though if you had to stop using it.

  2. What a great tip! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. My glass dispenser is chipped at the spigot. I wonder if this would create a tight enough seal for the chip? Does anyone know?

    1. Yes it will as long as the chip is not outside of the chip area. hope this helps.

  4. My glass dispenser has a chip at the spigot, which causes it to leak. Was going to use for the first time yesterday and discovered the chip, needless to say, had to hurry and come up with an alternative dispenser. Do you think this remedy will form enough of seal for the chip?

  5. Thank you! I'm having this problem, looked it up, and I'm going to try this! :)

  6. I have cleaning products in my dispenser and it looks like it's seeping out the connection where it turns on the handle. Have any other ideas - I was going to see if there are chrome ones.

    1. There are chrome ones you can put on there but might not handle the product you put thru it. Check around and get the one that will, they are available.

  7. Yay I bought for jugs and all leak. So going to do this thank you

    1. Karin, That is such an awesome idea. I have been searching the internet for replacement seals and the best i could find were $2.99 each, PLUS $11.00 shipping. I DON'T THINK SO !!!
      Gonna use your idea to fix all three of my wife's decanters so I don't have to go buy more, lol....

  8. This TOTALLY worked! Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I have had this dispenser for a year and haven't used it because I couldn't find the correct replacement seals. Now I know and will remember it doesn't always have to be the exact replacement part to work (and work better!)

  9. Do you know the size rubber seals you used.

    1. I can't remember if there were different sizes... But I'm sure I bought the small one because the opening on these jars is pretty small. I bought mine from Lowe's. I hope this helps :)

  10. Yes...They are standard garden hose washers. You can get them at any home improvement store. Normally come in 10 packs for a couple of bucks.

  11. Thanks for sharing this tip! I bought a new water dispenser a few days and go and it's leaking! I'm super excited to try this method.

  12. Mine is actually leaking from the spigot and from the turn lever. I think I need a whole new one. Do you know where I can get one?

    1. Gosh I don't know where you can get a whole new one 😬... I would search the Internet for water dispenser parts to see if that helps.

    2. Look on for drink dispenser faucet. Just be sure to get the correct diameter faucet to fit the dispenser hole. No one seems to sell just the replacement Food grade washers.

  13. Wow, what a life saver. I was having the same problem. Thank you for posting.

  14. so cool, it is working. Thank you :)

  15. Thanks for sharing such a nice piece of information with us.Stainless steel drink dispenser spigot

  16. This worked perfectly!!! Thank you so much!

