Christmas Chalkboard and Chalkboard Advent Calendar
By The Style Sisters - Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Christmas Chalkboards
I love creating a fun Christmas feeling in my house using my chalkboards. I have one that I spray painted the frame gold and I have it hanging in our dining room. For Christmas I hung a lighted green garland around the top edge of the chalkboard to bring in some sparkle.
Above the chalkboard closer to the ceiling I hung a tree branch using fishing line and some push pins... It worked perfectly! Using more fishing line I hung from the tree branch some large glittered snowflakes, some white paper honeycomb balls and one large hot pink pleated fan, all from Walmart! I still need to get one of my daughters to write something cute on this chalkboard for me.
Chalkboard advent calendar
I saw this idea on @idreamofhomemaking and we tried out the idea on my sisters chalkboard wall in her kitchen and I LOVED how it turned out so much I decided to create one for me on my other big chalkboard in my kitchen nook area.
I basically did the same things... I added a lighted green garland, Hung a branch from the ceiling with fishing line and push pins....
I hung white star type ornaments from the branch and then I had my daughter write the words and numbers for me :)
How many of you use chalkboards in your houses?