Family Celebrations!! - The Style Sisters

Family Celebrations!!

By The Style Sisters - Thursday, June 04, 2009

In May it was my step dad's 70th birthday. We planned a fun Mexican Fiesta surprise birthday party for him and we had a blast!
Here is the birthday boy just arriving to the party and mom had a sombrero all ready for him to put on.

This is a picture of everybody in their sombrero hats waiting for Carl to arrive.

My daughter Madeline...made these gigantic banner by using old cereal boxes and cutting them into triangles and then my hubby helped spray paint all of them. We hung them in the patio area to set the tone of the party.

Notice the large cactus in the background...Madeline made that too. She cut it out of cardboard and painted it green then we added some bright colored tissue paper and made it look like the cactus was blooming.

My funny nephews all decked out for the party!

My daughter her mother-in-law and my mom made all these beautiful gigantic paper flowers out of crepe paper and it added to the festive feel of the party.
This is my cute brother and two of his sons doing their rendition of "Three Amigos" they crack me up.

We had a pinata strung up for all the little kids too.

My crazy nephew Tommy with all the mexican hats on his head

My daughter Madeline and her hubby..Peter in all their finest mexican attire. (We made him the poncho in two seconds by draping some bright colored fabric over him and cutting out a whole for his head to come through).
Even the plants wore hats!! he heheh

My cute sister in law..Liz and me my bro..Tim

Me and my main squeeze!

Cute Carl and one of his beautiful granddaughters.

Next up will be Emily's Red White and Blue Graduation party!! So Stay Tuned!!

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  1. Looks like lots and lots of fun! Looks like you have a very loving family. What a blessing!

  2. Can hardly wait to see what cool idea you came up with for Emily's party!



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