I love White Kitchens! - The Style Sisters

I love White Kitchens!

By The Style Sisters - Friday, March 06, 2009

I don't know what it is about white kitchens but I love love love them! They just seem so crisp, clean and bright. I found these pics on the Internet and thought it might inspire you.
The texture from the bead board going horizontally on the back wall is fabulous as well as the fun red old sign. Windows and more windows lets tons of natural light in the room where your family and friends gather. The Kitchen.
I really like the collection of white vases and the cool chalkboard paint on the door to the pantry.

Again more beautiful windows and beautiful white cabinets

Bead board again only this time is going vertically. I love the texture! Plus once again more chalkboard paint on the door.

This is an amazing kitchen don't you think? I am so loving the yellow walls with the white cabinets and the black hutch. And can I say how much I love pot racks!! I have had one in almost every house I ever lived in....starting with my mom's house. They are the best!

The glass fronts on these cupboards just add something extra to the room as do the little feet added to the bottom cupboards to look like furniture.

How about a sparkling chandelier in the kitchen with some lime green accents! Just gorgeous!

Just so homey looking and inviting.

So tell me....do you like white kitchens?

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  1. Those are wonderful kitchens! Some day I am going to own a cottage so I can have that white kitchen!

    Have a great Friday!


  2. If your other blog is karinbob, I
    have good news for you at Jewelgirl
    Loves Jewelry. Please visit me! Jewelgirl :)

  3. Awesome I thought it might be you
    who won! Your cupcakes note to me helped figure it out!!!
    I need your address and
    I have comment moderation on so it
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    Congratulations! Jewelgirl :)

  4. I LOVE these - I must say the third picture appeals to me most but honestly, who keeps their kitchen THAT organized with everything in matching jars (I would have a kitchen like that in my dreams and it would come with a maid!)

    Me and the girl are missing you lots and lots!

  5. I do like a white kitchen... however mine is DARK... and I LOVE it too!

  6. I love, love, love white kitchens! I was fortunately enough to build my dream home two years ago and that was a must. My other home had oak and if we had not moved, it would have become a white kitchen one why or another! LOL. Great pictures!


  7. I LOVE white kitchens! I have a file of favorite kitchens and all but maybe two or three are predominately white. Love the one with that fabulous bank of multi-paned windows. Yummy!

  8. Karin!!! I love your blog! And our little Ella is getting prettier every day! I think she looks just like her mom and Grandma Brosnin (beautiful, of course)! I have to chuckle thinking about you taking that road trip...hmmm. Can't wait to hear about THAT! Hope you get out here soon

  9. I also loove white kitchens...and hopefully in my next house I can have one (although my husband is not that much in love wit it)..
    the pictures are fab!...thanks for sharing!
    Hope you had a beautiful weekend!
    Happy Women's Day!

  10. I too love white kitchens. My fav is the chalkboard door photo. A bright green granny smith apple looks best in a white kitchen, don't you think? I guess that is the theory behind food looks best on a white plate. Anyway, thanks for sharing! I am inspired!

  11. I have a love affair with white kitchens, so this post was meant for me. Thanks for the eye candy!

  12. Love white kitchens, Mine is white bead board cabinets with black granite tops....

    come over and enter the project Create a Home giveaway!


  13. White kitchen is so very very nice color. It looks clean and neat. A kind of ideal kitchen. Thank you for sharing.....

