Take a long sleeved T-shirt and create a cardigan! - The Style Sisters

Take a long sleeved T-shirt and create a cardigan!

By The Style Sisters - Thursday, August 13, 2009

I found this idea on the Angry Chicken blog and thought I would try it out. Turning a simple long sleeved T-shirt in to a cardigan.
First you take your T-shirt and mark the center and cut down the entire length of the T-shirt to create a cardigan. I did not turn the edges or sew them. Simple or what!

Then I cut off some of the sleeves to make a 3/4 sleeve...about 6 or 7 seven inches..I did not turn up the fabric or sew this edge either.

I then used the left over fabric from the sleeves to make a flower on my cardigan attached it with a black button.

Pretty darn cute and very green.
DIY Days on "A Soft Place to Land"

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  1. I say that it is really cute! What a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Very cute indeed!
    I've seen these before but like yours better!


  3. This is too cool! I have been looking all over for a yellow cardigan and haven't been able to find one, so I might have to try this! Thanks!

  4. That is really cute! I will have to rethink my giveaway shirts before letting them go. I like the fact that you didn't finish off those edges.
    Mary Lou

  5. Wow that is so dang cute! If only I hadn't thrown away those old long sleeved shirts!

  6. That is so adorable and easy! I might just have to try it.

  7. You are something else, Karin! I love how you just jump right in and try new stuff all the time. Very cute idea.

  8. I made one of my very own! It turned out wonderful. If you would like to see it, look at my blog at www.theglasshen.blogspot.com



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