April 2009 - The Style Sisters

Fresh Spring Time Cottage Looks

By The Style Sisters - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Found most of these looks at Main Cottage a furniture website and fell in love with the fresh clean look and beautiful colors.Isn't this fun!You all know how much I love Red and yellow!Yummy color don't you think?So peaceful and relaxing to sit down to dinner at this placesetting.With all this talk of the swine flu.......if it gets to the point where we...

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Our little Ella

By The Style Sisters - Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I just needed to post about my precious granddaughter Ella.I found this strawberry hat and put it on her. It is hard living far away.... I miss this little puff so much! Four Generations right here in this picture.Madeline, Me holding Ella and my mom (great grandma Joan)Madeline is just a beautiful mom in every way. And Peter is so precious with his...

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Grillin Tuna

By The Style Sisters - Thursday, April 16, 2009
The other night my hubby and I grilled some Tuna steaks (from super Target) and topped them with an amazing mango/pineapple salsa!(Recipe by: Bobby Flay) We also grilled some fresh asparagus that were seasoned with salt and pepper and a little bit of olive oil.... Then we also grilled some Yams that I brushed with butter and brown sugar. Plus we also had...

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Springy outdoor lighting and stuff

By The Style Sisters - Monday, April 13, 2009
I have been away visiting my family. It was so fun being with all of them again. The best part was of course my cute little granddaughter Ella. I just can't stop giving her millions of kisses and squeezes.....It is always hard coming back home to my regular life of quietness...I miss my family :( Since I have been in alittle funk I...

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I'm in the mood for a beach look!

By The Style Sisters - Wednesday, April 01, 2009
How about this porch with a view of the beach? I love the hanging lights and the green sofa I love love love this look~ Ahh bouganvillias (I don't know how to spell it) Beautiful pink flowering bushes More hanging lights, colorful chairs and fabrics. Just makes you want to be there having lunch! Love the lampshade and the colored glass cupboard doors....

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