Green and Black Halloween Banner and Orange and Black Halloween Banner - The Style Sisters

Green and Black Halloween Banner and Orange and Black Halloween Banner

By The Style Sisters - Thursday, September 24, 2009

(Sept. 2010..I have a current banner for sale on my blog here)
I made these two Halloween Banners out of left over Black scrapbook paper, newspaper, lime green tissue paper and old jewelry of my grandma's! I love the Lime green with the black. The little white pearls just added a unique touch.
I really loved the idea of repurposing my grandma's old broken jewelry and incorporating pieces of it into this banner.

Just so fun and different!

I had the cardboard letters but they had a burgandy calico print on them so I painted them black and then added the glitter to make them really sparkle!

So fun!

Here is another Halloween Banner I made out of leftover Black Scrapbook paper, Newspaper, orange fluffy trim, and old jewelry! I gave this one to my cute mom.

Fun stuff huh!

Once again I repurposed my grandma's old, broken, gold jewelry and just added touches of it here and there.

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  1. Simply adorable! Very cute blog too.


  2. Super cute! You don't happen to be selling these do you?

  3. Beautiful....love the lime and black combination! And the use of your Grandmother's jewelry....awesome. Happy Fall Ya'll from Houston

  4. Too cute! The lime and black look great together!

  5. I may be willing to sell these banners. I already gave the orange away but I could make another orange one if anyone is really interested. They did take some effort in makin them so I need to come up with a price.

    If anyone is really interested please let me know.


  6. Hi Karin, Yes, I am interested in buying one. My favorite is the green so let me know how much you would be interested in selling it for. Thanks so much - Kim

  7. These are really lovely! I love them!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. They're amazing. I love them. I'm going to have to save this one. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Oh goodie these are so spookyfied...I love em! Going to try and make a banner this weekend....

  10. Great banners and I love the twist of using a different color than orange!

  11. Very cute...well done..and this is coming from someone who considers herself a bit of a banner queen. I use pearls a lot as well. cherry

  12. I love the vintage look of these--so cute!

  13. Hi there..just found you wonderful blog..you have so many good idea's and I like the family feel to it!
    I'm fairly new..so much to learn..I'm not sure I'll ever be great at it, but I do live it.
    Come say hi :D (I have had 2 brother who passed away from cancer, age 50 and 53..I hate it too..my best to you and your sweet brother!)

  14. You have a beautiful blog!! Love your Harvest decor and the use of the old jewelry! I have a TON of broken old costume jewelry from my grandmother as well and I hate to not use it. What great ideas you've given me! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!!

  15. Simply beautiful and unique! I love the way you incorporated your grandmother's jewelry and the gliter adds the perfect finishing touch, great job!

  16. Those banners are too adorable!I love how different they are from all the other banners out there!Thanks for joining in on the fun over on Blue Cricket! Please add the button when you get a chance!

  17. Lovely! I could use both!!! Love the lime green - one of my favorite colors!!! Thanks for linking to somedaycrafts.blogspot.com



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